I thought Tron Legacy was really cool. Now a new animated eries is coming to Disney XD this fall and here is the trailer for it from Comic-Con 2011.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
First Look At Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance
Ghost Rider was an ok movie. It had a lot of potential but overall was a bit of a let down. But like any movie that does well at the box office in the comic book movie world, it gets a sequel. We can hope it's better than the first. These pictures from Empire Magazine are our first look at the film. Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance opens February 17, 2012.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Trailer Park : The 90's Batman Films Part 2 - Batman Returns (1992)
Welcome to a new edition of Trailer Park. The look back at the 90's Batman films continue with part of the series spotlighting Batman Returns! Batman was a huge hit so a sequel was only natural. Michael Keaton would return as Batman, and the villians this time would be Catwoman and Penguin played by Michelle Pfeiifer and Danny Devito respectively. Tim Burton returned to the directors chair and once again the movie would be a smash hit at the box office. The title was a bit weird because I'm not exactly sure where Batman was returning from except back to theaters, but the film worked and many believe it to be better than it's predecessor. It would be Burton's last turn in the director's chair for a Batman film as well as Keaton behind the mask. Keaton was the only man to play Batman twice until Christian Bale who is currently filming his third Batman film for Christopher Nolan.
The plot was a bit preposterous, as The Penguin wanted to take over Gotham city by becoming it's mayor and using mechanical penguins to attack the city. All very comic bookish in only a way that Tim Burton could pull off. And believe it or not the studio wanted even more camp and comic book like for the third film and that's one of the reasons Burton walked away from the franchise.
Marketing for Batman Returns stayed with the darker tone that Burton's Batman films featured. The posters featured character posters for the Batman and the villians, as well as a classic teaser poster (see above). The trailers also stayed with the dark tone presented in the film. Check out the posters and trailers below, and next time I will take a look at the franchise's turn into a more colorful comic book movie with Batman Forever!
The plot was a bit preposterous, as The Penguin wanted to take over Gotham city by becoming it's mayor and using mechanical penguins to attack the city. All very comic bookish in only a way that Tim Burton could pull off. And believe it or not the studio wanted even more camp and comic book like for the third film and that's one of the reasons Burton walked away from the franchise.
Marketing for Batman Returns stayed with the darker tone that Burton's Batman films featured. The posters featured character posters for the Batman and the villians, as well as a classic teaser poster (see above). The trailers also stayed with the dark tone presented in the film. Check out the posters and trailers below, and next time I will take a look at the franchise's turn into a more colorful comic book movie with Batman Forever!
Batman Returns,
DC Comics,
Trailer Park
Battleship Trailer
The trailer for Peter Berg's action/science fiction film Battleship and Yahoo Movies has it For a movie that's loosely based on a board game, this looks pretty bad ass. Yah it does look borrowed from other films but still looks cool I think. We shall see next May who sunk who's Battleship!
Six Minutes Of Green Lantern The Animated Series
Fans at Comic-Con were shown six minutes of footage from the upcoming Green Lantern The Animated Series. Below are those six minutes! The show is expected to debut this Fall on the Cartoon Network!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Avengers Assembled
At Comic-Con Marvel was unveiling posters of the concept art for The Avengers. When all were done they formed a nice image of The Avengers assembled! Check it out below with the rest of the individual posters I did not post yet!
Comic-Con 2011,
Marvel Comics,
The Avengers
Jurassic Park 4 Roars Into Theaters.....In A Couple Of Years
Steven Spielberg announced at Comic-Con that Jurassic Park 4 is on the way. They have a story and are penning the script and we can expect to see more dinosaur action in 2 to 3 years back in theaters!
Jurassic Park 4,
The Dark Knight Returns Gets Animated
Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns is one of the most popular and greatest works of the modern comic book era, and it's going to get animated. Hot on the heals of Batman: Year One producer Bruce Timm announced at the San Diego Comic-Con that Batman: The Dark Knight Returns was being done for DC Universe Animation. It will be done as a two part movie and be very faithful to the comic according to Timm. No other details were given but we can expect it in 2012!
DC Comics,
The Dark Knight REturns
Friday, July 22, 2011
Beavis & Butthead Return To Television
As I walked around Comicpalooza this year, I imagine a lot of us are from the generation that endured Beavis & Butthead on television. The duo is set for a return this Fall MTV made it official at Comic-Con 2011 with the debut of this peak at the new series.
Comic-Con 2011,
Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 4 "Water War" Trailer
Star Wars: The Clone Wars returns this Fall with a brand new season. Watch this trailer that premiered at Comic-Con.
Avengers Character Posters
Marvel has been debuting exclusive character posters at Comic-Con of The Avengers. Here are Captain America, Black Widow, and our first look at Hawkeye in costume!
Comic-Con 2011,
Marvel Comics,
The Avengers
The Walking Dead Season 2 Four Minute Trailer
The Walking Dead Season Two now has a premiere date of October 16th! The poster to the left is being used to promote the new season at the San Diego Comic-Con, and a brand new four minute trailer has been released! The year of the zombie continues!
Comic-Con 2011,
The Walking Dead
Star Wars Deleted Scenes Blu-Ray Trailer
The Complete Star Wars Saga hits Blu-Ray this September and fans are highly anticipating the deleted scenes on the discs! This trailer gives us our first glimpse at the deleted scenes we will be seeing!
Star Wars,
Star Wars Saga
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Total Recall Images
The Total Recall remake is currently filming and stars Colin Farrel, Kate Beckinsdale, and Jessica Biel. The film is being directed by Len Wiseman who helmed the first two Underworld films and Die Haard 4. The photo to the left gives us our first look at Farrel as Doug Quaid, the character made famous by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1990 original. The other three photos below are of the space cops and their vehicles as displayed at Comic-Con 2011.
Comic-Con 2011,
Total Recall
Comic-Con 2011: The Amazing Spider-Man Teaser Poster
Sony Pictures has this teaser poster on display at Comic-Con for The Amazing Spider-Man. Look for an official high resolution version to be released soon!
Walking Dead Season Two Images
The Walking Dead Season 2 begins this October. For now check out three new images from the upcoming season!
The Walking Dead
Superman The Man Of Steel To Hit Theaters In 2013
Zack Snyder's forthcoming Superman: The Man Of Steel will now hit theaters in the summer of 2013 instead of December 2012. It gives Snyder six more months to make the film right and it doesn't have to compete with The Hobbit. Plus a Superman film in the summer just feels right!
Spider- Man: Edge Of Time Comic-Con Trailer
Spider-Man: Edge Of Time is scheduled to hit video game consoles next year and now watch this Comic-Con exclusive trailer for the game!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Comic-Con 2011: The Avengers Teaser Poster
The San Diego Comic-Con and that means lots of big news int he comic industry. I will do my best to follow what is going on and bring you all the latest! Marvel Studios has started it big with the activation of the official website for The Avengers, as well as a first look at the official teaser poster. The Avengers hits theaters in 2012.
The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer
The first trailer for the upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man reboot film has arrived. I can't help but watch this and think that I have seen this before. It also just feels a bit dark and brooding for a Spider-Man film. The first person view of Spider-Man going around rooftops was a bit nauseating too. Am I watching a movie or a video game? Decide for yourself by watching the first trailer. The Amazing Spider-Man hits theaters in July 2012.
Send A Telegram Cowboys & Aliens Style
Cowboys & Aliens hits theaters July 29th but in the mean time you can send your friends or family members an old fashion telegram by mail for free! Just go to this website here and send your Cowboys & Aliens telegram today!
Cowboys And Aliens,
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Watch Two Clips From Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes hits theaters on August 5th and check out these two amazing clips from the film introduced by Andy Serkis, who plays Cesar in the film.
Riddick 3 Concept Art
Pitch Black and The Chronicles Of Riddick were both pretty decent science fiction films. Yah I can hear the groans now, but really go watch them again. Yes they have some not so good acting in them and overall science fiction cheese, but they really are not that bad. If nothing else they have a loyal following of fans and the universe in which the films are set is an interesting one. Riddick 3 is in pre-production now and Vin Diesel himself decided to share this awesome piece of concept art through his Facebook page!
Superman Returns "Return To Krypton" Deleted Scene
Superman Returns was a love it or hate it film (one that this writer liked a lot) but when the film came out, the opening sequence at the ruins of Krypton was missing! It was in the novel, the comic, the trading cards, and other tie ins. Not only was the scene in other media for the film, it was rumored to cost 10 million dollars and they cut it! Now however we can see it in its entirety since it was released on the new Superman Anthology Blu-Ray collection and now you can see the missing sequence here in it's entirety.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Trailer
If you were one of the millions who saw Harry Potter this past weekend then you probably got to see the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. Here it is now online with a few screen grabs for you to check out also! The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters in July 2012. Let the anticipation begin.....
The Walking Dead Season 2 Teaser Trailer
The Walking Dead was a fantastic television show but only six episodes was like a teaser to something more! Season 2 is just around the corner and here is our first look at the new season on AMC.
The Walking Dead
Friday, July 15, 2011
First Trailers For Sherlock holmes: A Game Of Shadows & John Carter
A couple of new trailers hit this week that may be of interest to Comicpalooza fans. First up is the Sherlock Holmes sequel, A Game Of Shadows, and the second is the science fiction epic John Carter, based on the classic novel John Carter Of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
New Captain America: The First Avenger Poster
Captain America: The First Avenger hits theaters next weekend and here is a brand new poster for the film!
Who Knew Apes Could Use Machetes?
The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes viral marketing campaign continues with two new videos. It seems these apes have learned to use machetes for combat! To the left is a poster used in European markets where the film comes out August 12th. Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes hits theaters on August 5th in North America..
Thursday, July 14, 2011
New Amazing Spider-Man Pictures
The Thing Trailer
Filming on the remake/prequel to the 1981 classic The Thing has been going on for a while now and it finally has a release date of October 14th.. The first trailer for the film has arrived and it doesn't look all that bad. judge for yourself by watching it now!
Movies. Sci-Fi,
The Thing
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Apes Comic Book Prequel Online
Apescomics.com is showcasing a brand new comic book prequel to the upcoming film Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. They are updating every Wednesday with a new page of the story. The comic is being done by Boom Studios, the same company responsible for the recent hit Planet Of The Apes comic series. Hit the link here to check it out.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Evil Dead Remake Gets A Director
The classic horror film Evil Dead is a fan favorite of many, along with it's two sequels. Director Sam Raimi, who directed the original trilogy, has toyed for years about making a fourth entry but now it seems instead the franchise is being taken the remake route. Raimi will be s producer but not director. Those duties will go to Federico Alvarez. No word on casting or a release date as of yet.
Introducing Two More Dwarves From The Hobbit
The two young Dwarves are Fili and Kili from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. So far it's very cool how they have been releasing the images as the excitement builds towards Christmas 2012!
The Hobbit
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster
Warner Brothers has unveiled the first poster for The Dark Knight Rises. The film hits theaters next summer and the anticipation begins.....
Batman 3,
DC Comics,
Movie Posters,
The Dark Knight Rises
Third Rise Of The Planet of the Apes Trailer
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes will hit theaters on August 5th and the more I see of this movie I am getting very excited. As a big fan of the original set of films, this looks amazing and could surprise everyone to be one of the better films of the summer. Or I can hope at least! For now check out the third trailer for the film!
What's Inside The Box?
Ok so maybe the reference to Seven doesn't go with Star Wars but everyone is so curious for anything and everything Star Wars that here is a look at what you will find inside the packaging of the Star Wars Saga Blu-Ray set!
Star Wars,
Star Wars Saga
Batman: Arkham City "Riddler" Trailer
Batman: Arkham City hits stores on October 18th and is one of the most highly anticipated games of the year. Now comes a new trailer featuring The Riddler!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Meet The Dwarves Of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Warner Brothers has released two new official pictures from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey have been released introducing us to the dwarves of the story. The film hits theaters December 14, 2012.
The first photo features Jed Brophy as Nori, Adam Brown as Ori and Mark Hadlow as Dori. Warner Brothers also released the following description: These three brothers, all sons of the same mother, could not be more different from each other. Dori, the oldest, spends much of his time watching out for Ori, the youngest; making sure he’s not caught a chill or got himself killed by Wargs or Goblins. No-body quite knows what Nori gets up to most of the time, except that it’s guaranteed to be dodgy and quite probably, illegal. Dori, Nori and Ori are intensely loyal to each other – and whilst they are perfectly happy fighting amongst themselves, woe-betide any anyone who means harm to one of these brothers.
The second photo features John Callen as Oin and Peter Hambleton as Gloin. The description of these two is as follows: Distant cousins of Thorin Oakenshield, these two doughty Northern Dwarves join the Company out of a sense of loyalty to their kin, and also because they have a substantial sum of money invested in the venture. Along with Bombur, Gloin is the only other married Dwarf in the Company (there being a shortage of female dwarves in general). His wife is an acclaimed beauty with a particularly fine beard. Gloin is the proud father of a young son, Gimli, who will go on to become part of the famous Fellowship of the Ring.

The second photo features John Callen as Oin and Peter Hambleton as Gloin. The description of these two is as follows: Distant cousins of Thorin Oakenshield, these two doughty Northern Dwarves join the Company out of a sense of loyalty to their kin, and also because they have a substantial sum of money invested in the venture. Along with Bombur, Gloin is the only other married Dwarf in the Company (there being a shortage of female dwarves in general). His wife is an acclaimed beauty with a particularly fine beard. Gloin is the proud father of a young son, Gimli, who will go on to become part of the famous Fellowship of the Ring.
The Hobbit
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